Our dojo was established to support the safety of the community and the crime prevention for children. Through the teachings of Aikido, we provide not only children but also adults with self-defense techniques and the knowledge to handle dangerous situations. We deeply respect the spirit of Aikido and contribute to the safety and harmony of the community by applying its teachings to real-life situations.

Aikido is more than just a martial art. It encompasses a spirit that seeks to avoid conflict and leads disputes to reconciliation. These teachings impart the importance of respecting others and aiming for peaceful resolutions to children while teaching them self-defense techniques. For adults, these teachings also serve as a valuable means to deal with various interpersonal relationships and difficulties encountered in daily life.

At our dojo, while we value the pursuit of the profound essence of Aikido, we also cater our teachings to the practical needs of the community. We believe in the positive impact that Aikido can have on the community and aim to build a safer and more harmonious society through this martial art.