Training Venue

Our Aikido practice sessions are held at local public facilities, providing a safe and comfortable environment where people of all ages and skill levels can learn Aikido. For more details about our training location, please see the [Training Location and How to Participate] page.

Training Fees

Our dojo operates on donations and subscription services, aiming to contribute to the community. Your support sustains our activities to promote safety and harmony in the community through Aikido. For more details, please see [About Revenue].

About Revenue

The operation of our dojo and the promotion of Aikido rely heavily on your support. Donations that sustain our provision of free training to the community and revenue from subscriptions offering specialized Aikido content each strengthen our activities in unique ways.

You can enjoy learning authentic Aikido here.

I had the privilege of learning Aikido from direct disciples of Morihei Ueshiba, who is known as the founder of Aikido, and while still a novice, I gradually began to understand what Aikido truly is. I hope to share even a fraction of that understanding with others.

Our practice includes a variety of techniques, such as weapon skills and body arts. With safety, meticulousness, and enjoyment as our motto, I aim to conduct Aikido training.

Main Training Content

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Aiki-ken represents the most fundamental techniques within Aikido. We practice seven types of suburi (solo sword exercises), paired exercises, as well as five forms and variations.


Aiki-jo can be more challenging than the sword due to the freedom in grip positions. We practice 24 types of suburi (solo staff exercises), 10 kata (forms), their variations, and the 31- and 13-count jo exercises.


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Weapon Disarmament

This involves techniques for dealing with situations where the opponent is armed. You learn how to protect yourself while disarming the opponent’s weapon.


In our club, we ensure that all students can learn the wonders of Aikido in a fun and safe environment.

O Wada

Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai 3rd Dan

My encounter with Aikido began under the guidance of Sensei Seiseki Abe in Suita, Osaka. Sensei Abe was a rare master who had learned directly from Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, and was awarded the rank of 10th Dan. His profound understanding and teachings greatly expanded my perspective on Aikido and deeply influenced my comprehension of Ueshiba’s teachings. After a hiatus, I resumed my training at the Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai, where I deepened my insights into weapon techniques and taijutsu, continuing my journey to master the path of Aikido.

Training Journal

I write about daily training records and Aikido.

Tai no Henko Motote-dori Kokyu-nage Kata-dori Kokyu-nage (Shoulder grab breath throw) 5 […]
Tai no Henko Morote-dori Kokyu-nage Jo Suburi: One-handed section Katate Gedan-gaeshi Katate […]
Tai no Henko Morotedori Kokyunage Ushiro Ryote-dori Jūji-nage

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